Saturday, 1 June 2013

Book vs Blog

Hi Folks

This blog is really as much an apology as anything else for not being able to find the time to write up the articles I promised a couple of weeks ago.

I have spent the last two weeks buried deeply in the book edits and rewrites of a couple of chapters that didn’t quite get the point across the way I wanted it. More importantly though, now that we are bringing more experts in their various fields into the whole Backwards Business Movement we have been reworking a few areas of the programme to ensure that from start to finish every aspect is focused on helping companies develop all their sales, marketing and customer service activities to fit their market’s needs.

It will be another week before I finally get the book finished and published, but in the meantime here are a couple of things that are new:

First, the draft’s of the book cover that the brilliant folks at Pocapoc Creative have been working on for us along with a whole new look for Backwards Business in general. They are at the top of this blog entry and please do Let us know what you think.

The second thing for you to have a look at is the presentation I’ve embedded below. This is a first look at some new developments in the programme and the way we are focusing everything on delivering real, tangible value to our customers.

When I have the first book finished next week, I promise to get the blog articles I promised finished and posted for you. In the meantime, it would be great to get your feedback and hear your views.

If you would like to subscribe to future entries of the blog just follow this link and we'll send you a copy of each article when its published -


  1. Would make a great "YouTube Video E-ook" generating supplemental revenues or "Marketing" the book itself...

    1. Thanks David

      I agree and am working on a good way to turn the book into a kind of online coaching documentary that helps get some of the weirder stuff about the way markets behave across - because weird they sure are.
