Thursday, 21 March 2013

3 Steps part 2

Yesterday we started to cover the 3 steps to revenue and why they are important.

Today we are just going to ask a couple of questions. If you had a product that was exactly what the market wanted and the market knew all about it, do you think it would be relatively easy to sell?

If the answer is yes, which we think it is too, then think through what it does for your priorities in the 3 steps.

When we work with customers, especially those in the early stages of business they are naturally in a rush to get to market following the Entrepreneurial Way, but what if that was exactly the wrong thing to do.

What if the Entrepreneurial Way actually got in the way of success because you were trying to sell the wrong product all because you had not fully understood your market?

Or what if you were selling the right thing with the wrong message, which incidentally can be nearly as damaging to sales performance as selling the wrong product?

The thing about all those Launch, Learn, Develop cycles as the Entrepreneurial Way diagram above shows is the cost. They cost time. They cost money. They can also cost reputation, which means that by the time you do have the right product, you might struggle to re-engage the market.

 So the real main point of today’s blog is this. What if everything you have ever learned or were taught about how to get your products to market successfully was back to front?

Tomorrow’s last blog in this little series will answer the questions we’ve asked today and share some examples of how to do it Backwards and get better results.

By Tim Sandford

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